Becoming a Solid Self

You'd think that someone who is not yet married and just shy of 30-yrs-old would have this figured out by now. I should be so secure in who I am and what I need, right? Nope.

This is my current journey. How to be a Solid Self now, because "a strong self is more attractive than a no-self."

I need to learn how to follow through with my expectations of others, rather than stewing inside when my *unspoken and undefined* expectations are not met and then getting mean about it, freaking out or going into hiding.

How have YOU overcome insecurities or lack of confidence in order to ask for what you want and need?


Freeman Family said...

Okay, so I am assuming something big recently happened in your life, just know you have people that love you for who you are!! If you ever need to talk I love to chat!-Amy

charity said...

I have such a great family and friends. I don't mean to worry anyone. No stress, no one has died, nothing major in my life structure has changed (i.e., still with john), I'm just getting to learn how to step into my role in this crazy world!


Cicily said...
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Jenn Daniels said...

Eric has always said that the most you'll ever get is what you ask for. It also applies to self. Love you Charity! But you already knew that.