Final Countdown

It's the Monday before my wedding day. If I thought my emotions were all over the place last week, they are even more intense today.

The Captain is now very familiar with my "business mode" which I have been in all day. In between actual work tasks I have ordered sandwiches and a veggie tray for the informal "drive thru" luncheon at my mom's between the sealing and reception, called the cake lady, made an appointment for a pamper hour, sent off several emails including one with the band's set list to the Captain for approval, one to my sisters so we can schedule some hang out time, and one to my glorious Receptionista's (aka: Mom and Dana) with some last minute updates.

It's definitely coming together and just barely under budget. I can't believe I did it--it's an absolute fiscal miracle.

Keeping our fingers crossed for a dry day with a few high, white clouds and for this cold to go away.

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