This week has been a very good week

And it's only Tuesday. I guess I'm letting the weekend be a part of this week, too. It doesn't really want to be a part of last week. I can't blame it! I wouldn't want to be a part of last week either. This week is much better. And the reason why has something to do with this...

This story (video) link was on a friend's gchat status with the dare, "just see if you can not cry". I watched it. I didn't cry, but I was trying very, very hard.

Not because the Captain is dying. He isn't, thank goodness. Not because I live in Brooklyn. I don't, though I'm sure it's great. Not because I have secret dreams of one day being animated. That's not really a goal.

But because I'm finally starting to understand what married love has the potential to be, thanks to this guy (haha! sporting his new "manpron" that I made him--you can read about it here).

There are good things about being engaged!

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