I've been SO bored at work lately. Work-work, the one I get paid for. Because of the sluggish market, we're doing some serious downsizing. I, fortunately, am one of the lucky ones that they are keeping around. Thank You! But, even so, there is not very much for us to do because we've reduced the amount of services we provide the brokers. So, I’ve been doing a lot of this….

And this….

And this...

Sitting in front of this…

Should I feel guilty?


Aubrey Messick said...

i love you for this post!

Flyin' Hawaiian said...

funny that you found my post that featured you :) try going back to read my first post; then it will make sense (http://sawinglogzzz.blogspot.com/2008/03/dream-master-of-universe_01.html)

do you really surf? because i go ALL the time (5 sesh's already since monday) .. you should come too!