When firearms go, all goes - we need them every hour. A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.
~ George Washington. Speech of Jan. 7, 1790 in the Boston Independent Chronicle, Jan. 14, 1790.
Currently scheduling a concealed weapons class for myself. I've never fired a gun before, but KNOW I need to know how. With an overwhelming democratic majority, I am concerned about the possibility of increasingly rigid gun control. Luckily Utah is still Republican, but still. Christmas????
quinn & i took a concealed weapons class together. it really was great! that sounds weird, but i am serious. you feel like you could really protect yourself.
I need to take that class- jim really wants me too! Thanks so much for coming to the party! it was so so good to see you!!
Amen Charity! My mom has a concealed weapons permit, and I've always wanted to get mine. I might have to borrow this post for my blog....
Charity, you moved back to UT? I had no idea. I hope you are liking it. :)
I may have to take a concealed weapons class soon. Dirk's been talking about taking one together. There's a lot of gun talk in the air these days. We have a couple of new guns and I should probably learn how to use them.
PS - I hope you don't mind if I use that quote as well on my blog. :)
So yeah, I have not had the update in awhile. I had no idea you were in UT....some friend I am. I still love you even though I am crappy at keeping in touch. Yes I took those pics. I do a little photography on the side- something to keep me sane from all the spit up and diapers. I definitely want to get together- I come on the 16th and can't wait to see everyone. Love you Char and miss you.
Thanks so much for the advice on Joanns, I'm going to check it out. Hope life is treating you well and you're surviving the cold:-)
Charity-Hi! I think the class is a great idea! I took one last year and really liked it! Have fun!! Miss you!!
I can give you some shooting pointers if you'd like. (see my facebook pictures) hehe
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